Nesting Boxes

in the Ostfalen Technology Park

In the winter of 2018/2019, 40 new nesting boxes were installed by volunteer NABU employees at the Technology Park Ostfalen. The old nest boxes were cleaned. Why is it necessary to add nest boxes made of planks in a green area with so many trees?

Natural nesting sites for the birds breeding in caves are still very rare in the Ostfalen Technology Park. Most of the trees in the technology park were planted only after 1993. So they are just 25 years old. There are no natural caves in these trees. These are caused by the activity of woodpeckers or by decay processes in the wood only on older trees. The cave breeders among the songbirds therefore lack living space.

Nesting boxes can help. These are important not only for the breeding season, but also in winter for many species of birds. So our most common species of tits, the great tit and the blue tit, like to spend the cold winter nights in a sheltering cave. The offer of nesting boxes thus creates the basis for the construction of the nests and for the rearing of the young. The nesting boxes contribute to the conservation and promotion of various species of birds in the Technology Park.

Since many birds that overwinter in our latitudes could die during the cold. So, it makes sense to hang the nest boxes already in the fall. This way, they can protect themselves in winter and become familiar with their potential new home.

However, a nesting box is not the same as a nesting box - depending on the size of the entry hole very different bird species, insects or even butterflies settle on.

If you also have the idea to bring a few nest boxes, it is important to make sure that they are placed at a height of about 2-6 meters so that no water can penetrate into the entry hole. The older the tree with the nesting box, the better.

If you want to build a nesting box, you will find many suitable instructions on the NABU website. For our feathered friends to feel comfortable, it is important to use the right materials. If you do not want to build nest boxes yourself, you are welcome to contact the NABU Barleben.

Text and Photos: Michelle Kirst, Federal Voluntary

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